The "Norwegian"-airplane leaving from Oslo to Tallin on June 15th unfortunately got hit by a vehicle on the ground. We had to change aircraft and the very nice crew wondered if somebody would volunteer to eventually sit in maybe not so confortable seats, due to the smaller plane we had to change to. Of course I said yes - and boy was I happy I did!! The most wonderful and super skilled pilots Petter and Lars made this trip - like a trip I am sure no drugs on this planet can match!! I am also sure everybody that didn´t volunteer were quite sorry when they saw where I got to sit in the end...mohahahaha!!
Another lucky guy was Ulf - Ulf is an underdog pokerplaying supernice guy really hitting it off these days, he just won a huge tournament online, bringing him to the big league in Tallin. All the best to you, Ulf! (Hm, maybe I should invest some money in this kid!)
Having said that - there is one more thing that has to be said. Petter and Lars - when Café de Concert get´s its own Café de Concert-plane, YOU will be hired as pilots! (PS: we just bought a BMW, so we´re getting there!!)
Love you guys! Thank´s for beeing such amazeing people! Norwegian should be proud to have you on their team!
And MAN, was that a great landing, Lars!!
så fin blogg du har herr Kolstad! Gøy å se at det går skikkelig bra for deg! :) Kos gamlenabo´n
SvarSlettTakk for det :)