Today I came to the wonderful city of St.Peterburg! Rehersals with the orchestra doesn´t start before on the 7th, so I have a day or two to relax and get around a bit in the city. I was here for the first time in 2006, but this town makes you breathless everytime you set fot on it, I can tell you that! Yesterday was just unbelivable! In the morning I got a scholarship for my Carnegie-debut from Wilhelmsen Shipping worth 4680 USD! And yes, it´s now official and legal to annouce that I am makeing my debut in Carnegie Hall this October 10th! Don´t miss it, folk´s :) And if that´s not enough - later that same day as I was given yet another scholarship worth 7810 USD for one of my projects in Norway!! I am not allowed to tell from whom I got it from or for what I got it for - yet... But it sure made my day like no other day ever before!!:):) Earlier this week Kari and Harald Tybring Gjedde gave me a scholarship worth 1560 USD, also for my Carnegie-debut. My oh my, am I going to make the money worth it once I get up on that stage on 7th avenue!!
Art Director Artem Vitalevich gave me a wonderful tour in St.Petersburg when I arrived this morning:)

Artem Vitalevich
Very enthusiastic nice, yet unknown, person and me:)

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