Today I played through my solo-program in the wonderful concert hall at Gamle Logen, Oslo, where I will be performing on wednesday. I felt like on fire wearing the new Moods suit and Nike sneakers! And this concert hall is one of Norway´s oldest and finest! The famous Norwegian violinist Ole Bull once said it had one of the best acoustics he had ever heard. Jascha Heifetz and Vladimir Horowitz among other great legends, have also performed in this wonderful hall. So there lies an absolutely great atmosphere in the walls the audience can look forward to!
As I am on tour with "Kultur.Akershus" this month playing two or three concerts for school-children almost every morning, the days have been long and often very hard, but yet so very inspiering. Performing for children, and watching them respond to the music is priceless. And it is allways so very important to never let go of the child within one self! Especially when performing on stage. On wednesday I´ll be unleaching the child in my self, on stage - for you!

After the concert everybody´s invited for a drink at Engebret Café,
Oslo´s oldest restaurant, right next to the concert hall! We got our own space - and our own bar;) Hope to see you all there after the concert, too!
C u at Gamle Logen, wednesday 24th of March, at 7.30 pm :)

Happy gamle (unge) Aksel! Gamle barnebilder er aldri å forakte ;)
SvarSlettRikskonsertene? Kun sørpå, eller beriker dere dere med besøk nord for polarsirkelen også?
Gamle barnebilder forlenger livet så fort man ser på dem:)
SvarSlettKun sørpå for now i alle fall. Hadde vært fett å gjort en turné nordpå også! Jeg skal forsøke smiske meg til så godt jeg kan til en turné der oppe!!