Yesterday I landed in Nice, which was very nice, after a rather boring transit in Frankfurt (not the coolest place to be in the world of airports). But once I came to Nice my heart started to blossom! Man!! What a wonderful city!
I flew in with my very good friend and wonderful collegue, Bjarne Magnus Jensen (violin). And today we performed at the MIPIM International Congress in Cannes. We did some Halvorsen, Bull and Mozart´s supercool sonata in A major! After the gig Bjarne and I took a walk in the amazeingly huge congress hall and took a look at what it had to offer among all the men and women in black suits...I found a russian stand with an air-ballon that I liked very much...As well as another russian stand which represented the great castle in St.Petersburg, Tsarskoj Selo, where I performed a couple of years ago. I got a hold of some new contacts regarding future concerts in Tsarskoj Selo, looking forward to that!! I might actually perform there this June with some russian orchestra, performing Mozart and Gershwin concertos. Will keep you posted on that one:)
Heading back to Norway tomorrow - but not before hitting the nightclubs in Nice! Lunch in Monaco tomorrow of course....;)

Kule greier. Nå får jammen meg du følge min blogg også. Klem Kristin
SvarSlettæm æ fållåver nåo!
SvarSlettNu Aksel, NU bynne du æ nærm dæ med bloggen din! This is the shit! :D Når du virkelig har blitt en ordentlig blogghore (jf. den samtalen vår på fjesern)så blogga du litt enda mer om feks korsn lypsyl du bruka, kvaliteten på bokseran dine, stylingproduktan etc etc.
SvarSlettNei, æ bare tøva, selvfølgelig følg æ bloggen din :) Æ lika å les, og æ lika å se på spennende bilda. Kjør på! Håpa du har hatt ei fin helg! :)