I attended a photo exhibition two days ago, met some cool people from Tallin and told them I was touring Estonia. Unfortunately they weren´t able to attend any of my schedueled concerts in Tallin, Sagadi, Tartu or Pärnu. So - we came up with the idea of makeing a midnight-concert on the 13th somewhere in Tallin, so they would be able to attend the concert. I talked with a new and wonderful friend I just met a couple of hours earlier, the extraordinary and talented Helen Lõhmus (which actually was the one who envited me the exibithion in the first place) and within the day, she had found a perfect location for our spontanious-made concert, and by the end of the following day, there were 96 attending on the concerts facebook-event. Just after my performance in Pärnu on the 13th, my supercool manager for the Estonia-tour drove me 1,5 hours straight back to Tallin, I came to the dance-studio at two minutes to midnight - and then one of the coolest concerts I have ever played flew through the night with an amazeing crowd of at least 120 people! Can´t wait to come back to Tallin in July! Helen - you rock!

Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettIt was the best concert ever, I was wery suprised first time about the concert in Mustpeade maja, but when I heard about concert in TasapisiTasakaal house I was certain that this will be much better, and I was right.
SvarSlettLike one man once told Best Thing in Life are Free ;)