onsdag 29. desember 2010

Ballet project starting on January 1st, 2011

December 29th. Time for some reflection.....

This year has probably been the best year in my life, so far. In the beginning of this year I performed and hosted concerts in Café de Concert´s own café in Oslo. The world´s first classical concert café. A dream come true. At the end of the year I had my debut concert as a pianist and composer in Carnegie Hall, with a full house and a standing ovation. A dream come true. And in between - concerts and projects all around the world. I´m living my dream. I am very fortunate, and very grateful. Therefore I will keep on living my dreams. Dreaming of life in unreal reality.

"Make your life into a dream, and make your dream your reality" - Le petit Prince.

It´s time to write my first ballet. I have had the privilige of corresponding with Margit Sandemo some time ago. Sandemo is a very famous Norwegian-Swedish historical fantasy author. She granted my request for writing a ballet based on her fabulous and adventurous "Legend of the Ice People" (Sagaen om isfolket). As far as I know, it has never been done before. But that is not why I will do it. The reason is that her stories reach out to me in a magical way. As if I am under a spell, forcing me to paint her words into music. And I have no intention of trying to undo the spell.

On January 1st 2011 I will start my work on the ballet. And on July 1st the same year I will have one hour of ballet-music ready.
It will rock your world! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Or as I tend to say -
"merry x box, go nuts - and happy moods wear"

Photo: Woland Thomas

onsdag 15. desember 2010

An evening in jail

Tonight I had quite an experience, performing for a full house - in jail - at "Ila Landsfengsel", in Oslo, the state prison of Norway. I pretty much felt like Johnny Cash, although we represent different music genres. However, we represent the same message - music and stories ment to hit you straight in the heart, who ever you are, not matter what you did or didn´t do. The prisoners at the state prison opened up their hearts to classical and contemporary music and gave me a standing ovation. And then we ate together, like brothers, not sinners. For so did Jesus, with everybody. Thank you Nils Herman Hornnæss for makeing this concert possible!

Merry Christmas 2010!
Sincerely, Aksel Kolstad

søndag 5. desember 2010

The Aksel Kolstad Show at McPhail, Minneapolis

But first, I did a teaser at Torskeklubben

Torskeklubbens menu since over one hundred years: "Torsk", potato and "akevitt" (I had grapefruit juice)

The magnificant Orlyn Kringstad - can´t wait to get started on our projects, Orlyn!!

Then, a teaser at Lakselaget

The superfantastic Marit Kringstad

Then - a little recreation/imaginative ski jumping at what was supposed to be "Minneapolis Holmenkollen" a long time ago

And finally - gametime at McPhail!! One of my best concerts so far:)

The famous Cadillac Kolstad attended the concert:)

Relatives from my grandmother, Vicki and Mary were also there:)

Then we all went out to listen to the fantastic Papa John Kolstad and his wonderful musicians, before the Kolstad-clan hit the town!

I´ll be back in the summer of 2011 for a big tour - stay tuned, people of Minnesota:)

torsdag 2. desember 2010

Teaser-concert at Mall of America, Minneapolis

Mall of America is - huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.

Was great fun performing in between to gigantic christmas trees :D Very, very good yamaha grand piano, by the way!!

I live at superfantastic Marit and Orlyn´s fantastic house here in Minneapolis and when I got to town yesterday Marit invited me into her supercool furniture and rug-shop, whith NORWEGIAN furniture and rugs:) Loved that!

One house-concert tomorrow, three more teaser-concerts on saturday afternoon and then, bang - showtime at McPhail concert hall :) Until then, I´m chilling out with my two new best friends that wake me up in the sweetest way every morning <3
Åse and Knut!! :D Life is good in Minneapolis!