December 29th. Time for some reflection.....
This year has probably been the best year in my life, so far. In the beginning of this year I performed and hosted concerts in Café de Concert´s own café in Oslo. The world´s first classical concert café. A dream come true. At the end of the year I had my debut concert as a pianist and composer in Carnegie Hall, with a full house and a standing ovation. A dream come true. And in between - concerts and projects all around the world. I´m living my dream. I am very fortunate, and very grateful. Therefore I will keep on living my dreams. Dreaming of life in unreal reality.
"Make your life into a dream, and make your dream your reality" - Le petit Prince.
It´s time to write my first ballet. I have had the privilige of corresponding with Margit Sandemo some time ago. Sandemo is a very famous Norwegian-Swedish historical fantasy author. She granted my request for writing a ballet based on her fabulous and adventurous "Legend of the Ice People" (Sagaen om isfolket). As far as I know, it has never been done before. But that is not why I will do it. The reason is that her stories reach out to me in a magical way. As if I am under a spell, forcing me to paint her words into music. And I have no intention of trying to undo the spell.

On January 1st 2011 I will start my work on the ballet. And on July 1st the same year I will have one hour of ballet-music ready.
It will rock your world! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Or as I tend to say -
"merry x box, go nuts - and happy moods wear"

Photo: Woland Thomas