On November 18th the supercool staff from BMW Fornebu Bilia with some friends came flying in on the red carpet, and "Café de Concert hosted a funky concert with Kolstad untamed on the grand piano" followed by a kick ass party! Thank you BMW Fornebu Bilia for sponsoring me!! Special thanks to Øyvind Berger!
Aksel Kolstad, born 1981, ended his bachelor degree at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, Norway, with prof. Sigurd Slåttebrekk. He then finished his master degree at the same institution also with prof. Sigurd Slåttebrekk in 2008, focusing on the piano concertos by George Gershwin. Kolstad was accepted at the prestigious Professional Studies at Manhattan Shcool of Music, NY, in USA, but kindly declined because of his
fast growing concept, Café de Concert http://www.cafedeconcert.no, which was given 50.000 Euros by Innovation Norway in 2008 for further developement.
Kolstad is performing all over the world as a soloist, composer and chamber musician in addition to beeing the entrepeneur and artistic director of Café de Concert. Aksel Kolstad has performed in numerous festivals in Norway and abroad and has on several occations performed on both national and international television and radio. He has studied composition with Wolfgang Plagge and has already a huge production of compositions which he frequently performs him self in many countries around the world. View his website for further information: www.akselkolstad.com