@ Radio Swedish Radio P4 with Stenungsund´s cheif of tourism Björn Johnson (left) and Robert "Gretchen" Aug (right)
After performing at the Swedish Chamermusic Festival in Stenungsund last week I performed on Swedish national radio (P4) and made Stenungsund beat the big city of Göteborg in a competition in between the two cities. Read more about it here "Världspianist stod upp för Stenungsund - skickade ut Göteborg i kvartsfinalen"
I was honored to present my wonderful Fredrikstad Chamer Orchestra for the Swedish audience at the opening concert where Jonas Båtstrand led them through Bartok´s 6 Rumanian Folkdances, Mendelssohn violin concert in d minor (with Båtstrand as soloist) and Tchaikovskij´s String Serenade. I also world premiered my newest piece for piano solo during that concert, "L´amour invisible". Full house and a very enthusiastic audience made the concert quite unforgettable for all of us musicians. The day after I had my solo concert at the same festival. Swedish press (Göteborgsposten) wrote this:
"Kolstad is often called to be the New Norwegian Victor Borge. I would rather call him the Franz Liszt of today"

PS: Fredrikstad Chamber Orchestra all fit in Café de Concert :D