Was great to perform in the beautiful Villa Møllebakken, especially with Frank Beck sitting on the first row.
Beck is one of Norway´s most respected motivators, in my eyes the very best, and he sure got me motivated all right!!
I have been so previleged to have Frank Beck follow me the past ten years, giving me wake up-calls, pointing in right directions and makeing me understand what I am good at and what I can do even better! I take my hat off for you, Frank! This concert was dedicated to you!

After the first half, since Frank was in the audience - I just had to show off another cool Moods of Norway suit!

After the concert, so many lovely people went backstage and touched my hair! (Cause I told them my hairdresser had put on some silky oil which made it super smooth!! I dig it when the fans pet me on my head!! )

And this (dette tok bare kaka, ass!!) was just the coolest gift I have EVER gotten from someone in the audience! Check it out, guys! It´s a custom made "piano/melodica/moods of norway tracktor-painting"!! How cool is THAT?!?! WORD!